Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Find the Perfect Building Lot

Many home buyers decide to build their own home on a vacant lot and purchase a lot to find that a house cannot be built, or their dream house plans are not suitable for the lot. Before buying a lot you should make sure that it is an approved lot by the local municipality, and that not only are sewer and water available for the lot but there is enough capacity on the lines to service the lot. If public utilities are not available, make sure that the lot has had soil tests and the lot shows adequate percolation results to accommodate an on lot sewage system. The on lot system should be in a location on the lot that meets the needs for your house placement and any future on lot amenities such as pools, decks ,landscaping and other future outdoor projects. Also, you need to consult a well driller for the depth of wells in the area. Well depths can range from 80 ft. to upwards of a 1,000 ft. and in some circumstances water may not be found. Most importantly make sure that you are aware of the local zoning requirements and that the building set backs for the lot fit the house of your dreams. All of these concerns should be known prior to purchasing the lot. Some common hidden or unexpected costs are, but not limited to; on lot storm water management, depth of well, grading plans required by the local municipalities, as-built plans required by the local municipalities, local sewer and water connection fees, home owners association fees, and taxes.

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